Suttons Tankers operates a nationwide logistics service, specialising in the bulk chemical, gas, fuel, waste & powders sectors.

The need for CRM

At the end of 2023, Suttons were looking for a CRM system to enhance their already strong customer service. It was important to the team that account managers had access to live insights and data which could be used to strengthen relationships. Other key CRM requirements included:

  • A centralised view of all customer information to give all users a single point of truth
  • Live reported data to show pipeline opportunities, sales and trends available for board reporting
  • Accurate sales forecasting to better understand the demand for products
  • Safe and structured document storage available against accounts that can be accessed by account managers whenever, and wherever they need to

As many of the Suttons team hadn’t used a CRM before, Gold-Vision has become a valued partner. Both businesses have worked together closely in order to to build key processes and work flows which are used by teams across the business every day.

Top 3 CRM Benefits

1. Better insights for account management

For Suttons, the key driver is to continuously improve the service they provide. Before using Gold-Vision, Account Managers would have to spend time manually collating reports and data points from different sources. Now the team have full access to all the information they need in one location. Having access to one version of the truth has made it easier for Account Managers to strengthen their relationships and strategies based on unified and accurate data.

Similarly, Correspondence Tracking has been a great help for the team as they have complete visibility of all email conversations between account contacts and their colleagues. This means if account management responsibilities need to change hands for whatever reason, there is a complete record of everything that has happened within an account.

2. Pipeline management & visibility

Having a clear view of the sales pipeline allows the team to view a snapshot of upcoming business, whether it be by month, quarter or year. Pipelines have also made product management easier. With the ability to accurately forecast upcoming sales, the team can better manage their material deliveries, helping to determine how much stock they need depending on future business opportunities.

Helps the team to deliver to their customer base by cross selling and upselling across their various product sectors.  An integration with their transport management system enables the team to track pipeline vs sales volumes per customer

Even better, Suttons’ forecast data can easily be presented in a dashboard for internal meetings or discussions. For client meetings, the team have also been able to quickly export account-specific reports without any manual input!

3. Account-relative document storage

Suttons uses Gold-Vision’s document storage feature to save specific files against the relevant account. Whether it’s account documents or pricing details, all the information can be accessed by team members in the office, or those out on the road visiting customers in-person.

Looking forward

Suttons are currently looking into our brand-new product, Gold-Vision Marketing in order to expand their email outreach and communicate with their customers.

What can Gold-Vision do for your business?

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