Effortless construction tender management

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Get tenders in on time

Tender responses often need input from different people, on different teams, at different times. Managing this can be challenging, especially with short timescales thrown into the mix. Gold-Vision can help, providing one location to store all essential data to do with each tender, including:

  • Tender receipt date
  • Deadline date for response
  • Expected project start date
  • Who in the team needs to take the next steps
  • Bid management checklist

Pricing and products at your fingertips

Manage your full product database from your CRM, with the option to either import or manually create the products you need. You can also synchronise your existing customers, suppliers and products with Gold-Vision using one of our finance integrations.

Your sales team can also use Gold-Vision to create quotes in multiple currencies and access comprehensive price list options, including:

  • Quickly apply discounts or update quantities per product
  • Price lists offer unique percentage discounts or fixed pricing
  • Full multi-currency support

Quote with confidence

Gold-Vision’s intelligent quoting features give you all tools you need to save time and increase efficiency, including:

  • Quoting based on sites or projects
  • The ability to copy an existing quote between opportunities
  • Linking to help you determine the most likely to succeed and ensure continuity of quotes
  • Branded quotes at the click of a button

Go further with key integrations


Track construction and building project progress from lead to won contract in your CRM. 


Link files and folders from SharePoint to specific items in Gold-Vision and eliminate the scenario of forgotten documents saved to local machines

ERP integration

Your customers’ accounting data and history become available in one central place, Gold-Vision.


Assign leads and follow the status, progress, and sales pipeline of your construction and building projects.

eSign integration

Reduce messy paperwork and bring order to your tenders and contracts in CRM.

See all integrations

We’ve helped many other businesses like yours – will you let us help you?

Read the full insight

“Before their Gold-Vision implementation, a lot of time was wasted wading through records, so being able to view the finer detail on bids and how they are broken down and forecast over time is key.”

Jiggy Patel
Account Manager

Deliver your best work with Gold-Vision

Get in touch today for a personalised demo.

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